Please check the notifications from Nara University of Education in effect from May 8 from below website.
◇【English ver.】About how to handle the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection countermeasures after May 8
日本に留学中の外国人学生の皆さんへ <外国人留学生向けの利用可能な制度一覧>こちらから
To All International Students Studying in Japan <List of Programs Available to International Students>Click here
NHK WORLD-JAPANでは様々な言語でCOVID-19や災害に関する情報を発信しています。利用してみてください。 こちらから
Various information about COVID-19 and other disaster is reported in "NHK WORLD-JAPAN" in 20 languages. If you are interested in those information, please use it. Click here
オリエンテーションで配布した「留学生ハンドブック」はこちらから も確認ができます。
You should pay attention to below points during staying in Japan. And please check some outline of disaster etc. in Japan.
Moreover, you can read "Nara University of Education Handbook for International Students" we handed to you at the orientation.
Japanese government gave notice for all international students as below in order to prevent African swine fever from entering Japan. Please read below and be careful.
For detail, please read below file and website. You can learn this by comics.
(参考 for reference)
◇関連情報ホームページ Website
・動物検疫所 動画での動物検疫制度のご案内 (movie in Japanese)
・動物検疫所HP 多言語対応パンフレット等 Website of Animal Quarantine Service (Brochure in various languages)
・農林水産省HP アフリカ豚コレラについてWebsite of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries about African swine fever
People have food poisoning caused by elution of metal by drinking beverage which was made from powder and kept in metallic materials.
In summer you have more chance to make much sports drinks from powder by yourself and keep it in a metallic material such as kettle. When you use metallic materials such as metallic bottles or kettles, please pay attention to the points below.
Weather Warnings are issued due to the strong wind and heavy rain. You can check whether the Weather Warning are issued or not from Japan Meteorological Agency website.
Classes are canceled when the Weather Warning are issued. Please check the conditions from here(English ver.).
(参考for reference)
気象庁HP(Japan Meteorological Agency website) 気象警報・注意報について こちら(Click here)
Japan has many earthquakes and "Nankai Trough Mega earthquake" is expected to happen in the future and it will affect in Nara.
How to act or how to take first immediate action when earthquake strikes sometimes depends on the situation, but the above is generally said in evacuation.
It is important to prepare survival kit including food and water for about seven days in advance.
If typhoon approaches, please stay at the dormitory or inside strong building because strong wind is especially dangerous. In severe situation, please evacuate to the evacuation center.
You can check the information of typhoon on a website written by "Japan Weather Association" etc.
【地図の読み方 How to read typhoon track map】
Generally, the current position of typhoon is written in a circle (solid line). the range that is expected to move is written as a dashed circle (forecast circle).
The eye of the typhoon is expected to move in the forecast circle. Even if you are out of the forecast circle, you may encounter heavy rain and strong wind. Please be careful of them.
As it will be very humid and hot after June, please be careful for heat stroke.
Please read this(English ver.) about the symptoms and treatment.
When you go out from Japan for traveling, please submit the form "一時出国届(いちじ しゅっこく とどけ)"to Student Affairs Division in advance.
You can download it from here.
Also, at the airport, please tell the immigration inspector that you intend to depart Japan with a Special Re-entry Permit System.
◇「外国人のための人権相談」"Human Rights Counseling for Foreign nationals"
法務省ホームページ(MOJ HP) /英語版リーフレット(Leaflet)
This Center was established as sustaining and promoting students' and staffs' physical and psychological health. This Center provides many service for free for example periodic health checkup, first aid, health consultation, counseling service etc.
How to reserve a counseling service → (Check here)